









 世界のトレンドを把握することは重要ですが、諸外国のやり方が常に正しいとは限りません。原発の廃止 or 存続が二転三転しているように、何が正しいかは簡単には判断できません。






C#でピアノを作ろう (2022/1/22版)




using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program



static void Main()


Application.Run( new FormPiano());



class FormPiano : Form



/* 使用するAPIの宣言 */


[DllImport( "Winmm.dll")]

extern static uint midiOutOpen( ref long lphmo, uint uDeviceID, uint dwCallback, uint dwCallbackInstance, uint dwFlags);

[DllImport( "Winmm.dll")]

extern static uint midiOutClose( long hmo);

[DllImport( "Winmm.dll")]

extern static uint midiOutShortMsg( long hmo, uint dwMsg);

private const uint MMSYSERR_NOERROR = 0;

private const uint MIDI_MAPPER = 0xffffffff;

private long hMidi;


private MenuStrip ms;

private ToolStripMenuItem[][] tsmi;

private Label lbl;

private ComboBox cbx;

private Panel pnl;

private PictureBox pbx;

private Dictionary<Keys, int> keyAssign;

private bool[] keyFlag;

private int mouseX;

private int mouseY;


public FormPiano()



this.ClientSize = new Size( 840, 240);

this.Text = "Hello World!";

this.Load += new EventHandler( this.Form_Load);

this.Closed += new EventHandler( this.Form_Closed);

this.KeyPreview = true;

this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler( this.Form_KeyDown);

this.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler( this.Form_KeyUp);







private void Form_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Load");


this.pnl.AutoScrollPosition = new Point( 280 * 4, 0);


this.keyAssign = new Dictionary<Keys, int>();

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.A, 60);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.W, 61);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.S, 62);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.E, 63);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.D, 64);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.F, 65);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.T, 66);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.G, 67);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.Y, 68);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.H, 69);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.U, 70);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.J, 71);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.K, 72);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.O, 73);

this.keyAssign.Add( Keys.L, 74);


if( midiOutOpen( ref this.hMidi, MIDI_MAPPER, 0, 0, 0) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)


MessageBox.Show( "midiOutOpen error");




this.keyFlag = new bool[128];

for( int i = 0; i < this.keyFlag.Length; i++)


this.keyFlag[i] = false;


this.mouseX = 0;

this.mouseY = 0;


private void Form_Closed( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Closed");

midiOutClose( this.hMidi);



/* Menu */


private void CreateMenu()


this.ms = new MenuStrip();

this.tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem[1][];

this.tsmi[0] = new ToolStripMenuItem[2];

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


for( int j = 0; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][j] = new ToolStripMenuItem();



this.tsmi[0][0].Text = "File (&F)";

this.tsmi[0][1].Text = "Exit (&X)";

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


this.ms.Items.Add( this.tsmi[i][0]);

for( int j = 1; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][0].DropDownItems.Add( this.tsmi[i][j]);

this.tsmi[i][j].Click += new EventHandler( this.Menu_Click);



this.Controls.Add( this.ms);

this.MainMenuStrip = ms;


private void Menu_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( sender.ToString());

if( sender.ToString() == "Exit (&X)")






/* Control */


private void CreateCtrl()


this.lbl = new Label();

this.lbl.SetBounds( 20, this.ms.Height, 60, 20);

this.lbl.Text = "program";

this.Controls.Add( this.lbl);

this.cbx = new ComboBox();

this.cbx.SetBounds( 80, this.ms.Height, 60, 20);

this.cbx.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

this.Controls.Add( this.cbx);

for( int i = 0; i < 128; i++)


this.cbx.Items.Add( i);


this.cbx.SelectedIndex = 0;

this.cbx.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler( this.cbx_SelectedIndexChanged);

this.pnl = new Panel();

this.pnl.SetBounds( 20, this.ms.Height + 20, 800, 200 - this.ms.Height);

this.pnl.Anchor = ( AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom);

this.pnl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

this.pnl.AutoScroll = true;

this.Controls.Add( this.pnl);

this.pbx = new PictureBox();

this.pbx.SetBounds( 0, 0, 3000, 160);

this.pbx.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

this.pbx.Paint += new PaintEventHandler( this.pbx_Paint);

this.pbx.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler( this.pbx_MouseDown);

this.pbx.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler( this.pbx_MouseMove);

this.pbx.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler( this.pbx_MouseUp);

this.pnl.Controls.Add( this.pbx);



/* PictureBox Paint */


private void pbx_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


Graphics g = e.Graphics;

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

Font fnt = new Font( "Arial", 8);

StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();

sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;

sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

/*----- White Keys -----*/

for( int i = 0; i < 128; i++)


int q = i / 12;

int r = i % 12;

if( r == 0 || r == 2 || r == 4 || r == 5 || r == 7 || r == 9 || r == 11)


rect.X = 280 * q + 20 * ( r < 5 ? r : r + 1);

rect.Y = 0;

rect.Width = 40;

rect.Height = 160;

Brush b = ( this.keyFlag[i] ? Brushes.Pink : Brushes.White);

Pen p =  Pens.Black;

g.FillRectangle( b, rect);

g.DrawRectangle( p, rect);

rect.Y = 120;

rect.Height = 40;

g.DrawString( i.ToString(), fnt, Brushes.Gray, rect, sf);

foreach( KeyValuePair<Keys, int> kvp in this.keyAssign)


if( i == kvp.Value)


rect.Y = 80;

g.DrawString( ( (char)kvp.Key).ToString(), fnt, Brushes.Gray, rect, sf);





/*----- Black Keys -----*/

for( int i = 0; i < 128; i++)


int q = i / 12;

int r = i % 12;

if( r == 1 || r == 3 || r == 6 || r == 8 || r == 10)


rect.X = 280 * q + 20 * ( r < 5 ? r : r + 1) + 5;

rect.Y = 0;

rect.Width = 30;

rect.Height = 80;

Brush b = ( this.keyFlag[i] ? Brushes.Pink : Brushes.Black);

Pen p =  Pens.White;

g.FillRectangle( b, rect);

g.DrawRectangle( p, rect);

rect.Y = 40;

rect.Height = 40;

g.DrawString( i.ToString(), fnt, Brushes.Gray, rect, sf);

foreach( KeyValuePair<Keys, int> kvp in this.keyAssign)


if( i == kvp.Value)


rect.Y = 0;

g.DrawString( ( (char)kvp.Key).ToString(), fnt, Brushes.Gray, rect, sf);







/* Mouse Event */


private void pbx_MouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "pbx_MouseDown");

byte key = this.PositionToKey( e.X, e.Y);

if( ( key != 255) && !this.keyFlag[key])


this.keyFlag[key] = true;

this.NoteOn( key);

this.mouseX = e.X;

this.mouseY = e.Y;




private void pbx_MouseMove( object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


if( e.Button != MouseButtons.None)


byte key1 = this.PositionToKey( this.mouseX, this.mouseY);

byte key2 = this.PositionToKey( e.X, e.Y);

if( key1 != key2)


Console.WriteLine( "pbx_MouseMove");

this.keyFlag[key1] = false;

this.NoteOff( key1);

this.keyFlag[key2] = true;

this.NoteOn( key2);

this.mouseX = e.X;

this.mouseY = e.Y;





private void pbx_MouseUp( object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "pbx_MouseUp");

byte key = this.PositionToKey( e.X, e.Y);

if( ( key != 255) && this.keyFlag[key])


this.keyFlag[key] = false;

this.NoteOff( key);




private byte PositionToKey( int x, int y)


Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

/*----- Black Keys -----*/

for( int i = 0; i < 128; i++)


int q = i / 12;

int r = i % 12;

if( r == 1 || r == 3 || r == 6 || r == 8 || r == 10)


rect.X = 280 * q + 20 * ( r < 5 ? r : r + 1) + 5;

rect.Y = 0;

rect.Width = 30;

rect.Height = 80;

if( rect.X <= x && x < rect.X + rect.Width && rect.Y <= y && y <= rect.Y + rect.Height)


return (byte) i;




/*----- White Keys -----*/

for( int i = 0; i < 128; i++)


int q = i / 12;

int r = i % 12;

if( r == 0 || r == 2 || r == 4 || r == 5 || r == 7 || r == 9 || r == 11)


rect.X = 280 * q + 20 * ( r < 5 ? r : r + 1);

rect.Y = 0;

rect.Width = 40;

rect.Height = 160;

if( rect.X <= x && x < rect.X + rect.Width && rect.Y <= y && y <= rect.Y + rect.Height)


return (byte) i;




return 255;



/* Key Event */


private void Form_KeyDown( object sender, KeyEventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form1_KeyDown" + "\t" + e.KeyCode.ToString());

foreach( KeyValuePair<Keys, int> kvp in this.keyAssign)


if( e.KeyCode == kvp.Key)


byte key = (byte)kvp.Value;

if( !this.keyFlag[key])


this.keyFlag[key] = true;

this.NoteOn( key);







private void Form_KeyUp( object sender, KeyEventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form1_KeyUp" + "\t" + ( (int) e.KeyCode).ToString());

foreach( KeyValuePair<Keys, int> kvp in this.keyAssign)


if( e.KeyCode == kvp.Key)


byte key = (byte)kvp.Value;

if( this.keyFlag[key])


this.keyFlag[key] = false;

this.NoteOff( key);







/* ComboBox */


private void cbx_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


byte prg = (byte) this.cbx.SelectedIndex;

Console.WriteLine( "cbx_SelectedIndexChanged " + prg.ToString());

this.ProgramChange( prg);



/* Note On/Off */


private void NoteOn( byte key)


byte ch = 0; //(byte) ( ( this.cmb[0].SelectedIndex == 0) ? 0 : 9);

byte velocity = 0x7f;

uint msg;

msg = (uint)( ( velocity << 16) + ( key << 8) + 0x90 + ch);

midiOutShortMsg( this.hMidi, msg);

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString( "hh:mm:ss.fff") + "\t" + "NoteOn" + "\t" + key.ToString());


private void NoteOff( byte key)


byte ch = 0; //(byte) ( ( this.cmb[0].SelectedIndex == 0) ? 0 : 9);

byte velocity = 0x7f;

uint msg;

msg = (uint)( ( velocity << 16) + ( key << 8) + 0x80 + ch);

midiOutShortMsg( this.hMidi, msg);

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString( "hh:mm:ss.fff") + "\t" + "NoteOff" + "\t" + key.ToString());



/* Program Change */


private void ProgramChange( byte prg)


byte ch = (byte) 0;

uint msg;

msg = (uint)( ( prg << 8) + 0xc0 + ch);

midiOutShortMsg( this.hMidi, msg);



C#でMusic Playerを作ろう 3

 以前、C#で簡単なMusic Playerを作成したのですが、ちょっと更新してみました。



using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Collections.Generic;


class Program



static void Main()


Application.Run( new MusicPlayer());




class MusicPlayer : Form



[DllImport( "Winmm.dll")]

extern static int mciSendString( string cmd, System.Text.StringBuilder retStr, uint sieStr, IntPtr hwnd);


private MenuStrip ms;

private ToolStripMenuItem[][] tsmi;

private Label lblPlayList;

private ListBox lbx;

private PictureBox pbx;

private Label lblPosition;

private Label lblVolume;

private Button btnPlayStop;

private Button btnClose;

private Button btnVolumeDown;

private Button btnVolumeUp;


private const string DeviceID = "mysound";

private string filename = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\list.txt";

private List<string> lst;

private int position;

private int length;

private int volume; //1 to 5

private Timer tmr;

private enum MCIStatus






MCIStatus mst;


public MusicPlayer()



this.ClientSize = new Size( 280, 360);

this.Text = "Music Player";






this.Load += new EventHandler( this.Form_Load);

this.Closed += new EventHandler( this.Form_Closed);

this.AllowDrop = true;

this.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler( this.Form_DragEnter);

this.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler( this.Form_DragDrop);



private void Form_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Load");

this.lst = new List<string>();


this.position = 0;

this.length = 0;

this.volume = 3;

this.tmr = new Timer();

this.tmr.Interval = 1000;

this.tmr.Tick += new EventHandler( this.timer_Tick);

this.mst = MCIStatus.None;

this.timer_Tick( null, null);


private void Form_Closed( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Closed");






private void LoadFileList()


if( !File.Exists( this.filename))


using( File.Create( this.filename))




using( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( this.filename))


while( -1 < sr.Peek())


string temp = sr.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine( temp);

this.lst.Add( temp);

this.lbx.Items.Add( Path.GetFileName( temp));




private void SaveFileList()


using( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( this.filename, false))


for( int i = 0; i < this.lst.Count; i++)


sw.WriteLine( this.lst[i]);





private void Form_DragEnter( object sender, DragEventArgs e)


if( e.Data.GetDataPresent( DataFormats.FileDrop))


e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;



private void Form_DragDrop( object sender, DragEventArgs e)


string[] filenames = (string[]) e.Data.GetData( DataFormats.FileDrop, false);

this.lbx_Add( filenames);



/* Menuの作成 */


private void CreateMenu()


this.ms = new MenuStrip();

this.tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem[1][];

this.tsmi[0] = new ToolStripMenuItem[5];

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


for( int j = 0; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][j] = new ToolStripMenuItem();



this.tsmi[0][0].Text = "List (&L)";

this.tsmi[0][1].Text = "File (&F)";

this.tsmi[0][2].Text = "Add (&A)";

this.tsmi[0][3].Text = "Remove (&R)";

this.tsmi[0][4].Text = "Clear (&C)";

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


this.ms.Items.Add( this.tsmi[i][0]);

for( int j = 1; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][0].DropDownItems.Add( this.tsmi[i][j]);

this.tsmi[i][j].Click += new EventHandler( this.Menu_Click);



this.Controls.Add( this.ms);

this.MainMenuStrip = ms;



/* Menuのイベント処理 */


private void Menu_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( sender.ToString());

if( sender == this.tsmi[0][1])


System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( "notepad.exe", this.filename);


else if( sender == this.tsmi[0][2])


OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

ofd.Filter = "All files | *.*";

ofd.Multiselect = true;

if( ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


this.lbx_Add( ofd.FileNames);



else if( sender == this.tsmi[0][3])




else if( sender == this.tsmi[0][4])






/* コントロールの作成 */


private void CreateCtrl()


this.lblPlayList = new Label();

this.lblPlayList.SetBounds( 20, 30, 240, 30);

this.lblPlayList.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right;

this.lblPlayList.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

this.lblPlayList.Text = "Play List";

//this.lblPlayList.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

this.Controls.Add( this.lblPlayList);

this.lbx = new ListBox();

this.lbx.SetBounds( 20, 60, 240, 180);

this.lbx.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.lbx.HorizontalScrollbar = true;

this.lbx.DoubleClick += new EventHandler( this.lbx_DoubleClick);

this.Controls.Add( this.lbx);

this.pbx = new PictureBox();

this.pbx.SetBounds( 20, 240, 240, 20);

this.pbx.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.pbx.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

this.pbx.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

this.pbx.Paint += new PaintEventHandler( this.pbx_Paint);

this.pbx.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler( this.pbx_MouseClick);

this.Controls.Add( this.pbx);

this.lblPosition = new Label();

this.lblPosition.SetBounds( 20, 270, 140, 30);

this.lblPosition.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.lblPosition.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

this.lblPosition.Text = "Position : ";

//this.lblPosition.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

this.Controls.Add( this.lblPosition);

this.lblVolume = new Label();

this.lblVolume.SetBounds( 160, 270, 100, 30);

this.lblVolume.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.lblVolume.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;

this.lblVolume.Text = "Volume : ";

//this.lblVolume.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

this.Controls.Add( this.lblVolume);

this.btnPlayStop = new Button();

this.btnPlayStop.SetBounds( 20, 300, 80, 40);

this.btnPlayStop.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btnPlayStop.Text = "Play";

this.btnPlayStop.Click += new EventHandler( this.btnPlayStop_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btnPlayStop);

this.btnClose = new Button();

this.btnClose.SetBounds( 100, 300, 60, 40);

this.btnClose.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btnClose.Text = "Close";

this.btnClose.Click += new EventHandler( this.btnClose_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btnClose);

this.btnVolumeDown = new Button();

this.btnVolumeDown.SetBounds( 160, 300, 50, 40);

this.btnVolumeDown.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btnVolumeDown.Text = "Vol.-";

this.btnVolumeDown.Click += new EventHandler( this.btnVolumeDown_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btnVolumeDown);

this.btnVolumeUp = new Button();

this.btnVolumeUp.SetBounds( 210, 300, 50, 40);

this.btnVolumeUp.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btnVolumeUp.Text = "Vol.+";

this.btnVolumeUp.Click += new EventHandler( this.btnVolumeUp_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btnVolumeUp);



/* Listの処理 */


private void lbx_Add( string[] filenames)


for( int i = 0; i < filenames.Length; i++)


Console.WriteLine( filenames[i]);

this.lst.Add( filenames[i]);

this.lbx.Items.Add( Path.GetFileName( filenames[i]));



private void lbx_Remove()


if( this.lbx.SelectedIndex != -1)


this.lst.RemoveAt( this.lbx.SelectedIndex);

this.lbx.Items.RemoveAt( this.lbx.SelectedIndex);



private void lbx_Clear()






/* Buttonのイベント処理 */


private void btnPlayStop_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btnPlayStop_Click");

if( this.mst == MCIStatus.None)




else if( this.mst == MCIStatus.Playing)



this.mst = MCIStatus.Stopped;

this.btnPlayStop.Text = "Play";

this.tmr.Enabled = false;

this.timer_Tick( null, null);


else if( this.mst == MCIStatus.Stopped)



this.mst = MCIStatus.Playing;

this.btnPlayStop.Text = "Stop";

this.tmr.Enabled = true;

this.timer_Tick( null, null);



private void btnClose_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btnClose_Click");




/* ListBoxのイベント処理 */


private void lbx_DoubleClick( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "lbx_DoubleClick");





/* Notify Event */

/* 再生中に、曲が終了して、次の曲があれば、再生する */


protected override void WndProc( ref Message m)


base.WndProc( ref m);

if( m.Msg == 0x03B9) //MM_MCINOTIFY message


Console.WriteLine( "Notify " + this.mst.ToString());

if( this.mst == MCIStatus.None)




this.position = this.mciPosition();

if( this.position < this.length)





if( ( this.lbx.SelectedIndex < 0) || ( this.lbx.Items.Count - 1 <= this.lbx.SelectedIndex))









/* PictureBoxのイベント処理 */


private void pbx_MouseClick( object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "pbx_MouseClick");

if( this.mst == MCIStatus.None)




if( 0 < this.pbx.Width)


Console.WriteLine( this.position);

this.position = this.length * e.X / this.pbx.Width;

Console.WriteLine( this.position);

this.mciSeek( this.position);

if( this.mst == MCIStatus.Playing)




this.timer_Tick( null, null);




/* Volume */


private void btnVolumeDown_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btnVolumeDown_Click");

this.volume = Math.Max( 1, this.volume - 1);

if( this.mst != MCIStatus.None)


this.mciSetVolume( this.volume);


this.timer_Tick( null, null);


private void btnVolumeUp_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btnVolumeUp_Click");

this.volume = Math.Min( this.volume + 1, 5);

if( this.mst != MCIStatus.None)


this.mciSetVolume( this.volume);


this.timer_Tick( null, null);



/* タイマーイベント (表示の更新) */


private void timer_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "timer_tick");

if( this.mst != MCIStatus.None)


this.position = this.mciPosition();



this.lblPosition.Text = "Pos : " + this.position.ToString() + " / " + this.length.ToString();

this.lblVolume.Text = "Vol : " + ( this.volume * this.volume * 40).ToString();



/* ピクチャーボックスの描画の更新 */


private void pbx_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "pbx_Paint");

Graphics g = e.Graphics;

if( 0 < this.length)


g.FillRectangle( Brushes.Gray, 0, 0, this.pbx.Width * this.position / this.length, this.pbx.Height);




private void StopClose()




this.mst = MCIStatus.None;

this.btnPlayStop.Text = "Play";

this.tmr.Enabled = false;

this.timer_Tick( null, null);


private void OpenPlay()


if( this.lbx.SelectedIndex == -1)







this.mciOpen( this.lst[this.lbx.SelectedIndex]);


catch( Exception err)


MessageBox.Show( err.ToString());




this.length = this.mciLength();

this.position = 0;


this.mciSetVolume( this.volume);



this.mst = MCIStatus.Playing;

this.btnPlayStop.Text = "Stop";

this.tmr.Enabled = true;

this.timer_Tick( null, null);



/* MCI Functions */


private void mciOpen( string filename)


string cmd = "open " + "\"" + filename + "\"" + " alias " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());


private void mciPlay()


string cmd = "play " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " notify";

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, this.Handle);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());


private void mciStop()


string cmd = "stop " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());


private void mciClose()


string cmd = "close " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());


private void mciSetVolume( int v)


string cmd;

int ret;

StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " volume";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());

cmd = "setaudio " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " volume to " + ( v * v * 40).ToString();

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());

cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " volume";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());


private void mciSeek( int position)


string cmd = "seek " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " to " + position.ToString() + " wait";

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());


private int mciLength()


string cmd;

int ret;

StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

cmd = "set " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " time format milliseconds";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());

cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " length";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());

return Convert.ToInt32( retStr.ToString());


private int mciPosition()


StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

string cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " position";

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "cmd : " + cmd);

Console.WriteLine( "ret : " + ret.ToString());

return Convert.ToInt32( retStr.ToString());










