
C#でMusic Playerを作ろう 2

 前回はmciSendString関数を色々試したので、今回はそれを使って簡単なMusic Playerを作ります。ソースコードは530行だけなので簡単です。







using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Collections.Generic;


class Program



static void Main()


Application.Run( new MusicPlayer());




class MusicPlayer : Form



[DllImport( "Winmm.dll")]

extern static int mciSendString( string cmd, System.Text.StringBuilder retStr, uint ret, IntPtr hwnd);


private MenuStrip ms;

private ToolStripMenuItem[][] tsmi;

private Label lbl;

private ListBox lbx;

private List<string> lst;

private TextBox tbx;

private TrackBar tbr;

private Button[] btn;

private const string DeviceID = "mysound";

private int volume;

private Timer tmr;


public MusicPlayer()



this.ClientSize = new Size( 280, 360);

this.Text = "Music Player";

this.Load += new EventHandler( this.Form_Load);

this.Closed += new EventHandler( this.Form_Closed);

this.AllowDrop = true;

this.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler( this.Form_DragEnter);

this.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler( this.Form_DragDrop);




this.lbl = new Label();

this.lbl.SetBounds( 20, 30, 240, 30);

this.lbl.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right;

this.lbl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

this.lbl.Text = "Play List";

this.Controls.Add( this.lbl);


this.lbx = new ListBox();

this.lbx.SetBounds( 20, 60, 240, 160);

this.lbx.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.lbx.HorizontalScrollbar = true;

this.Controls.Add( this.lbx);


this.tbx = new TextBox();

this.tbx.SetBounds( 20, 230, 240, 20);

this.tbx.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.tbx.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

this.tbx.ReadOnly = true;

this.Controls.Add( this.tbx);

this.tbr = new TrackBar();

this.tbr.SetBounds( 20, 250, 240, 50);

this.tbr.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.tbr.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler( this.tbr_MouseUp);

this.Controls.Add( this.tbr);


this.btn = new Button[4];

this.btn[0] = new Button();

this.btn[0].SetBounds( 20, 300, 60, 40);

this.btn[0].Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btn[0].Text = ">";

this.btn[0].Click += new EventHandler( this.btn_Play_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btn[0]);

this.btn[1] = new Button();

this.btn[1].SetBounds( 80, 300, 60, 40);

this.btn[1].Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btn[1].Text = "||";

this.btn[1].Click += new EventHandler( this.btn_Stop_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btn[1]);

this.btn[2] = new Button();

this.btn[2].SetBounds( 140, 300, 60, 40);

this.btn[2].Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btn[2].Text = "Vol.-";

this.btn[2].Click += new EventHandler( this.btn_VolumeDown_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btn[2]);

this.btn[3] = new Button();

this.btn[3].SetBounds( 200, 300, 60, 40);

this.btn[3].Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btn[3].Text = "Vol.+";

this.btn[3].Click += new EventHandler( this.btn_VolumeUp_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btn[3]);



private void Form_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Load");

this.lst = new List<string>();

this.volume = 10;

this.tmr = new Timer();

this.tmr.Interval = 1000;

this.tmr.Tick += new EventHandler( this.timer_Tick);


private void Form_Closed( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Closed");

this.tmr.Enabled = false;

string cmd = "stop " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

cmd = "close " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);



private void Form_DragEnter( object sender, DragEventArgs e)


if( e.Data.GetDataPresent( DataFormats.FileDrop))


e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;



private void Form_DragDrop( object sender, DragEventArgs e)


string[] filenames = (string[]) e.Data.GetData( DataFormats.FileDrop, false);

this.lbx_Add( filenames);



private void CreateMenu()


this.ms = new MenuStrip();

this.tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem[2][];

this.tsmi[0] = new ToolStripMenuItem[4];

this.tsmi[1] = new ToolStripMenuItem[3];

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


for( int j = 0; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][j] = new ToolStripMenuItem();



this.tsmi[0][0].Text = "File";

this.tsmi[0][1].Text = "Select";

this.tsmi[0][2].Text = "Clear";

this.tsmi[0][3].Text = "Exit (&X)";

this.tsmi[1][0].Text = "MCI";

this.tsmi[1][1].Text = "Play";

this.tsmi[1][2].Text = "Stop";

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


this.ms.Items.Add( this.tsmi[i][0]);

for( int j = 1; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][0].DropDownItems.Add( this.tsmi[i][j]);

this.tsmi[i][j].Click += new EventHandler( this.Menu_Click);



this.Controls.Add( this.ms);

this.MainMenuStrip = ms;



/* Menuのイベント処理 */


private void Menu_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( sender.ToString());

if( sender == this.tsmi[0][1])


OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

ofd.Filter = "All files | *.*";

ofd.Multiselect = true;

if( ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


this.lbx_Add( ofd.FileNames);



else if( sender == this.tsmi[0][2])




else if( sender == this.tsmi[0][3])




else if( sender == this.tsmi[1][1])


this.btn_Play_Click( null, null);


else if( sender == this.tsmi[1][2])


this.btn_Stop_Click( null, null);




/* リストの処理 */


private void lbx_Add( string[] filenames)


for( int i = 0; i < filenames.Length; i++)


Console.WriteLine( filenames[i]);

this.lst.Add( filenames[i]);

this.lbx.Items.Add( Path.GetFileName( filenames[i]));

this.lbx.SelectedIndex = this.lbx.Items.Count - 1;



private void lbx_Clear()






/* Buttonのイベント処理 */


private void btn_Play_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btn_Play_Click");

string status = this.mciGetStatus();

if( status == "")


if( this.lbx.SelectedIndex == -1)




this.mciOpen( this.lst[this.lbx.SelectedIndex]);



else if( status  == "playing")




else if( status  == "stopped")





private void btn_Stop_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btn_Stop_Click");

string status = this.mciGetStatus();

if( status == "")




else if( status  == "playing")




else if( status  == "stopped")





private void btn_VolumeDown_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btn_VolumeDown_Click");

string status = this.mciGetStatus();

if( status != "")





private void btn_VolumeUp_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btn_VolumeUp_Click");

string status = this.mciGetStatus();

if( status != "")






/* TrackBarのイベント処理 */


private void tbr_MouseUp( object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "tbr_MouseUp");

string status = this.mciGetStatus();

if( status != "")


this.tmr.Enabled = false;

this.mciSeek( this.tbr.Value);




/* 再生中のタイマーイベント */


private void timer_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "timer tick");


string str = this.mciGetStatus();


StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

string cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " position";

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

str += ", pos.:" + retStr.ToString();

this.tbr.Value = Convert.ToInt32( retStr.ToString());

cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " length";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

str += " / " + retStr.ToString();


cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " volume";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

str += ", vol.:" + retStr.ToString();


this.tbx.Text = str;



/* Notifyイベントの処理 */

/* 曲が終わったら、リストの次の曲を再生する (Stop or Seekから呼ばれた場合はreturn)


protected override void WndProc( ref Message m)


base.WndProc( ref m);

if( m.Msg == 0x03B9) //MM_MCINOTIFY message


Console.WriteLine( "Notify");

if( this.tmr.Enabled == false)






if( ! ( 0 <= this.lbx.SelectedIndex && this.lbx.SelectedIndex < this.lbx.Items.Count - 1))





this.mciOpen( this.lst[this.lbx.SelectedIndex]);





/* MCIの状態を返す ("", "playing", "stopped"のいずれかになるはず) */


private string mciGetStatus()


StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

string cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " mode";

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "mode : " + retStr);

return retStr.ToString();



/* MCI Open, Play, Stop, Close */


private void mciOpen( string filename)



string cmd = "open " + "\"" + filename + "\"" + " alias " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


cmd = "setaudio " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " volume to " + ( this.volume * 100).ToString();

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

cmd = "status " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " length";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

this.tbr.Minimum = 0;

this.tbr.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32( retStr.ToString());


private void mciPlay()


string cmd = "play " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " notify";

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, this.Handle);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

this.tmr.Enabled = true;

this.timer_Tick( null, null);


private void mciStop()


this.tmr.Enabled = false;

string cmd = "stop " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

this.timer_Tick( null, null);


private void mciClose()


string cmd = "close " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

this.tbx.Text = "";



/* MCI Volume Down/Up */


private void mciVolumeDown()


this.volume = Math.Max( 0, this.volume - 1);

string cmd = "setaudio " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " volume to " + ( this.volume * 100).ToString();

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

this.timer_Tick( null, null);


private void mciVolumeUp()


this.volume = Math.Min( this.volume + 1, 10);

string cmd = "setaudio " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " volume to " + ( this.volume * 100).ToString();

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

this.timer_Tick( null, null);



/* MCI Seek */


private void mciSeek( int position)


string cmd = "seek " + MusicPlayer.DeviceID + " to " + position.ToString();

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

this.timer_Tick( null, null);



C#でMusic Playerを作ろう 1

 以前から思っていたのですが、パソコンで音楽を再生するソフトは重たいです。Windows Media Playerとか、Quick Timeとかですね。ただ、BGMが欲しいだけなのに。変な視覚エフェクトとか、ネットワークから情報を集めてきたりとか、そういうのはいらないんですが。。。






using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Collections.Generic;


class Program



static void Main()


Application.Run( new MciTest());




class MciTest: Form



[DllImport( "Winmm.dll")]

extern static int mciSendString( string cmd, System.Text.StringBuilder retStr, uint ret, IntPtr hwnd);


private MenuStrip ms;

private ToolStripMenuItem[][] tsmi;

private Button[] btn;

private const string DeviceID = "mysound";

private string filename = @"C:\Windows\Media\Alarm02.wav";


public MciTest()



this.ClientSize = new Size( 360, 240);

this.Text = "MCITest";

this.Load += new EventHandler( this.Form_Load);

this.Closed += new EventHandler( this.Form_Closed);




this.btn = new Button[16];

for( int i = 0; i < this.btn.Length; i++)


this.btn[i] = new Button();

this.btn[i].SetBounds( 20 + 80 * ( i % 4), 40 + 40 * ( i / 4), 80, 40);

this.btn[i].Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this.btn[i].Text = i.ToString();

this.btn[i].Click += new EventHandler( this.btn_Click);

this.Controls.Add( this.btn[i]);


this.btn[0].Text = "open";

this.btn[1].Text = "close";

this.btn[2].Text = "play";

this.btn[3].Text = "stop";

this.btn[4].Text = "pause";

this.btn[5].Text = "resume";

this.btn[6].Text = "seek";

this.btn[7].Text = "position";

this.btn[8].Text = "volume quiet";

this.btn[9].Text = "volume loud";

this.btn[10].Text = "audio on";

this.btn[11].Text = "audio off";

this.btn[12].Text = "info";

this.btn[13].Text = "mode";



private void Form_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Load");


private void Form_Closed( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "Form_Closed");

int ret;

string cmd;

cmd = "stop " + MciTest.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

cmd = "close " + MciTest.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);



private void CreateMenu()


this.ms = new MenuStrip();

this.tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem[1][];

this.tsmi[0] = new ToolStripMenuItem[3];

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


for( int j = 0; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][j] = new ToolStripMenuItem();



this.tsmi[0][0].Text = "Menu (&M)";

this.tsmi[0][1].Text = "File (&F)";

this.tsmi[0][2].Text = "Close (&C)";

for( int i = 0; i < this.tsmi.Length; i++)


this.ms.Items.Add( this.tsmi[i][0]);

for( int j = 1; j < this.tsmi[i].Length; j++)


this.tsmi[i][0].DropDownItems.Add( this.tsmi[i][j]);

this.tsmi[i][j].Click += new EventHandler( this.Menu_Click);



this.Controls.Add( this.ms);

this.MainMenuStrip = ms;



private void Menu_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( sender.ToString());

if( sender == this.tsmi[0][1])


MessageBox.Show( Application.ExecutablePath);

OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

ofd.Filter = "All files | *.*";

ofd.Multiselect = true;

if( ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


MessageBox.Show( ofd.FileNames[0]);

this.filename = ofd.FileNames[0];



else if( sender == this.tsmi[0][2])






private void btn_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)


Console.WriteLine( "btn_Click" + "\t" + ( (Button)sender).Text);

int ret;

string cmd;

StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "open")


cmd = "open " + "\"" + this.filename + "\"" + " alias " + MciTest.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "close")


cmd = "close " + MciTest.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "play")


cmd = "play " + MciTest.DeviceID + " notify";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, this.Handle);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "stop")


cmd = "stop " + MciTest.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "pause")


cmd = "pause " + MciTest.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " pause timeout";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "pause timeout : " + retStr);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "resume")


cmd = "resume " + MciTest.DeviceID;

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "seek")


cmd = "seek " + MciTest.DeviceID + " to start";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "position")


cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " position";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.Write( "position : " + retStr);

cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " length";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( " / " + retStr);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "volume quiet")


cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " volume";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "volume : " + retStr);

cmd = "setaudio " + MciTest.DeviceID + " volume to 200";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " volume";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "volume : " + retStr);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "volume loud")


cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " volume";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "volume : " + retStr);

cmd = "setaudio " + MciTest.DeviceID + " volume to 800";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);

cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " volume";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "volume : " + retStr);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "audio on")


cmd = "set " + MciTest.DeviceID + " audio all on";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "audio off")


cmd = "set " + MciTest.DeviceID + " audio all off";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( cmd);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "info")


cmd = "info " + MciTest.DeviceID + " file";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "info : " + retStr);


else if( ( (Button)sender).Text == "mode")


cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " mode";

ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);

Console.WriteLine( "mode : " + retStr);




protected override void WndProc( ref Message m)


base.WndProc( ref m);

if( m.Msg == 0x03B9) //MM_MCINOTIFY message


Console.WriteLine( "Notify");

StringBuilder retStr = new StringBuilder( 256);

string cmd = "status " + MciTest.DeviceID + " mode";;

int ret = mciSendString( cmd, retStr, (uint) retStr.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);;

Console.WriteLine( "mode : " + retStr);













using System;

using System.Windows.Forms;

class Program



static void Main()


Application.Run( new Form());

